theres always the dos and the don'ts in whatever you do,and same applies to communicating.
yeah i know you know whats not to do but sadly we human sometimes forget stuff,and we act as if we dont have a im just reminding you as well as myself right here alright? :D
here i would like to highlight whats not to do,
so lets check them out yawww;
1.being a telltale. haa,tak payahlah sibuk2 nak cerita semua benda kepada semua orang okay.
2.talking behind people's back. come on, we know this already,tak baik kan mengumpat? masa form4 dulu pun dalam textbook dah keluar pasal benda ni kan,bawah tajuk dosa2 besar lagi,or was it perkara yang membatalkan iman,i cant really recall.tapi benda ni dosa lah semua pun tahu kan?tapi semua pun buat.
haih as if makan daging cousin sendiri ni.zzzzz. come on lah,we have our own lives,why should we bother talking about others'?we should as well mind only our own businesses and not interfere with the ones not related to us.
3. talk dirty. its not only sinful but its also shallow.and it sorta spoils the soul,from my point of view that is.
and a few other stuff that you yourself can think of,like slandering dan sebagainya.
and if you cant think of anything good or wise to say,you better not say nothing at all.
Media yang digunakan dalam komunikasi islam pun ada banyak ;-
Alquran,lisan like khutbah,pictures,audio and visual,tulisan dan macam-macam lagi.
thats all folks goodnight.
ni yg mcm ustaz ckp kat kelas tu ke?